Saad Haque

Turn Your Purpose into Prosperity

A personalized coaching approach designed just for you, focusing on gratitude and growth. So, you can live a better, wealthier, and more fulfilling life with passion and enthusiasm. Whether you want to achieve something big in life, improve and build relationships or re-discover your inner-self, my coaching program can help you.

Coaching Services

Career Coaching

Career coaching can help you get clarity on your professional goals so that you can focus your time and effort on the best path that perfectly matches your career aspirations. Moreover career coaching will help you create a system of accountability to help you take control of your career growth.

Leadership Coaching

Develop a greater awareness of your talent and competencies, identify your areas of improvement and gain the confidence you need to inspire others. I help business leaders express their authentic and unique leadership styles to maximize their team’s productivity and capabilities.

Personal Life Coaching

Get tailor-made life coaching services to help you make progress in the areas of life most important to you. Live with greater satisfaction, fulfilment, and gratitude.

Your Coach — Saad Haque

Saad is a professional mindset coach trained by Erickson coaching, one of the world’s most renowned coaching institutes. His success as a coach is driven by his belief in the potential of others to overcome their limitations and start living life with greater satisfaction and purpose.

He is passionate about helping people discover their true abilities, strengths and motivations — and inspires them to dream big and build the life and career they always want.

Saad’s mission is to help ambitious professionals achieve clarity and create more impact and greater satisfaction in their lives. His approach is based on three core pillars Clarity, Objectivity & Courage.

  • Clarity of beliefs, vision, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Objectivity in goal planning, actioning and tracking progress.
  • Courage to say a big YES to what serves you and NO to what doesn’t.
Saad works with clients to help them beat their FEAR (False Expectations Appearing Real) so that they naturally feel aligned, confident and prepared to make decisions for long-lasting change.

Ready to see a change in your lifestyle that reflects your career aspirations, dreams, and strengths?


Get in touch for more information