Saad Haque


A Journey To Help People Transform Their Lives

About Saad Haque – Your Coach

Saad is an executive life coach based out of Dubai.  He is driven by his belief in the unlimited potential of every person and aspires to help as many professionals as possible to achieve their dreams and goals.

He has 11+ years of experience working at the world’s top engineering design firms, driving environmentally conscious and sustainable development for some of the region’s most iconic landmarks. Having worked in a multitude of demanding roles, he understands the challenges and opportunities that present themselves to ambitious professionals in the region. Saad believes that life is not what you see but how you see, he challenges his clients to explore a different mindset and helps them re-connect with their own transformative power. 

Early Career

Saad began his career working as a consultant in Dubai when he was in his early 20s. He thrived on the city’s vibrant energy and quickly settled into the corporate mindset of climbing up the ladder. Yet despite doing well in his career, having an active social life, and travelling all over the world he felt alone, depressed, and burdened. From the outside it seemed like he had a lot going for him, but the truth was that he felt consumed by his personal and professional commitments.

The reality of Saad’s situation was that he lived with a constant fear of judgement and rejection of others — his life was a vicious cycle of over committing at work, not having fulfilling relationships and  seeking material gratification.

A Path to Self-Discovery

One day, a colleague invited him to join for a group meditation session. The session evoked a deep sense of peace and curiosity with him, setting him on a path to self-discovery. Saad started practicing meditation as part of his daily routine and it helped him develop an awareness and connection with his own inner being. He started to rely less on approval from external sources and began to experience clarity.

A few years later, Saad connected with a professional coach who offered to take him on as a client. He helped Saad see his bigger vision and narrow it down to goals and immediate actions. The coach also became his accountability partner and helped him stay on course to achieve his goals. With the support of his coach, he began achieving his professional goals in shorter time frames, his personal relationships began to improve, and he started to live in a more authentic and objective manner.

The Winds of Change

As the years passed, Saad started to feel an inner desire to serve others and the world around him in a more meaningful way. As he began to connect to his bigger vision, he started to realize that his career focus needed a change – he wanted to serve people as a coach and the world around him in a more direct way. An environmental professional by training, his eagerness to step up the ladder had led him to take on a purely managerial role and forego his passion for environment and sustainability. Determined to bring his vision to life, Saad began his coach training with a leading organization.

Experiencing Transformation

He felt a profound shift in his life once he gathered the courage to say NO to what did not serve him and YES to what did, and it was this change that gave him the courage to move forward – he started coaching clients shortly after completing his training and transitioned back to a role as an environmental consultant at a prestigious organization. His personal life also experienced a dramatic shift, as he began to experience greater abundance of time and energy to devote to his family and personal interests.

Taking Action

Saad now works with clients in various sectors all over the world and helps them create tangible results. His approach to coaching is based on three foundational pillars that form the arcs of his own transformational journey – Clarity, Objectivity and Courage. He practices a world-renowned method of coaching that facilitates accountability and drives remarkable outcomes for dedicated clients. He feels immense gratitude in being able to serve others powerfully, and his purpose is to help you create the success and satisfaction in life that you deserve.

Get in touch for more information